
See How To, Types and Where to Apply It

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Much is said, but in the end there is always the doubt: after all, does steam cleaning really work? It’s good? How to make? Where to apply?

If you also have these doubts follow this post with us and we’ll explain everything about steam cleaning.

How Steam Cleaning Works

As you might imagine, steam cleaning works with… steam! Yes of course! But why is it efficient?

Steam machines heat water and produce hot steam. This steam can “loosen” dirt easily and quickly, eliminating grease and other types of dirt impregnated on domestic surfaces.

In addition, the steam still acts as a disinfectant, since the high temperature contributes to the elimination of microorganisms.

That is, you clean and disinfect everything at once.

Benefits of steam cleaning

Benefits of steam cleaning

It’s ecological

Steam cleaning is one of the most ecological and sustainable there is. Do you know why? Because steam cleaning does not require any type of chemical, steam alone is enough to leave surfaces clean.

But it’s not just that. Steam cleaning also saves water. With just a liter of water it is possible to generate about 20x the amount of steam, enough to clean a small apartment.

It’s versatile

Steam cleaning can be used in any room in the house, from bathrooms to kitchen, through bedrooms, living room and backyard.

In addition to the surfaces of floors, furniture and upholstery, steam cleaning can still be applied on clothes, curtains and in your pet’s corner.

It’s economical

We have already talked about water savings (which is no small feat), but we also need to mention that steam cleaning is also economical from an energy point of view, contrary to what it may seem. This is because vaporizing machines only consume energy when water is heated.

Steam cleaning is also economical because you no longer have to worry about buying disinfectants, multipurpose and any other type of cleaning product, since the steam cleans and disinfects everything on its own.

It’s quick and practical

Believe me: you will clean the house much more quickly with steam cleaning. Dirt that is more difficult to remove is easily “dissolved” by steam and this will save you significant time and effort.

It is healthy and hygienic

Steam cleaning is much more hygienic, as it can eliminate microorganisms from the environment. But it’s also healthier because it doesn’t use chemicals

Many people are allergic to cleaning products and with steam this problem is easily resolved.

Steam cleaning also does not raise dust during cleaning, favoring allergy sufferers (again).

And write down one more reason: with steam cleaning you don’t come in direct contact with dirt. The cleaning nozzles do this for you.

Types of steam cleaning

Types of steam cleaning

There are basically two types of steam cleaning: cold and hot. In cold steam, water is not boiled inside the machine, unlike hot steam.

Cold steam machines are usually cheaper, however they do not have the same cleaning efficiency as hot steam.

In addition to the type of steam, there are also differences in relation to the appliance used. The most common are the portable and the vertical.

Portable vaporizers do not have the same cleaning efficiency as vertical ones.

So, evaluate well what the vaporizer will be used in your home and only then decide the best model based on your needs.

Where to apply steam cleaning

Where to apply steam cleaning

Check out where and how to apply steam cleaning below:

On floors, coverings and grouts

Steam cleaning is very efficient in cleaning floors, wall coverings and also in grouts.

The steam removes dirt, stains, grease and even eliminates germs, bacteria, mold and fungi. This is especially true for those who have small children at home and who need to maintain good floor hygiene.

To steam clean floors and coverings, it is not necessary to continuously release steam, much less in the same place several times, make only occasional shots as you move the cleaning nozzle of the vaporizer.

Steam cleaning can be used on laminate, vinyl and parquet floors, but be careful not to release too much steam and end up wetting the floor. It is also necessary to take care not to leave the vaporizer in the same area for a long time and, with this, end up creating stains on the floor.

Tip 1: Before starting the steam cleaning, remove the coarse dust with the help of a vacuum cleaner.

Tip 2: The greater the power of the vaporizer, the better the cleaning result, especially in the case of grouts.

In the kitchen

Steam cleaning is also welcome in the kitchen. There, it is possible to clean, mainly, the floor and the appliances, especially those with more grease, such as hoods, ovens and stoves.

Refrigerators and microwaves can also receive steam cleaning, including stainless steel models.

Sanitary ware

Bathroom fixtures and metals are another area of ​​the house that can receive steam cleaning. Just take care to use the correct cleaning nozzle to avoid scratches and marks on dishes.

Another good place to do steam cleaning is in the bathroom stall. The fat comes off easily and the place is clean again without much effort.

However, the bathroom is the only place in the house that even receiving steam cleaning, it is recommended to use some type of disinfectant, especially in the toilet.

Windows and glass

Windows and other glass surfaces can also be steam cleaned, but here’s a tip: the process for using steam ends up being more laborious on this type of surface, since manual cleaning is still necessary to complete it.

So, evaluate if it is really worth using the vaporizer in this specific case.


If you’re the type who doesn’t enjoy ironing, then steam is your great friend. With it, your clothes are smooth and without any crease.

To do this, simply direct the vaporizer to the piece until it is untied. Just be careful not to use steam on delicate parts.

Upholstery, carpets and curtains

Among all the possibilities that steam cleaning brings, the most interesting, without a doubt, is the cleaning of upholstery, carpets and curtains.

Conventional cleaning is not always able to clean these surfaces as it should, precisely because they are large objects that cannot be easily removed or removed. But the steam does it.

In addition to cleaning, the vaporizer also eliminates stains, mites and other microorganisms.

Pet houses

How about taking advantage of the vaporizer to give that general feeling in your pet’s house or walk? Yeah! Steam cleaning is perfect for these locations, as it disinfects and eliminates germs and bacteria.

In the car

Steam cleaning is very efficient in the car, you know? You can apply this cleaning method to the seats, carpets and the roof of your vehicle.

Where not to apply steam cleaning

Where not to apply steam cleaning

Despite the benefits and versatility, there are some materials that cannot receive this type of cleaning, as is the case with the items mentioned below:

  • Surfaces covered with paper and cardboard;
  • Walls with wallpaper
  • Walls that have been painted with water-based paint
  • Fine and delicate fabrics like silk, for example
  • Floors with layers of varnish, oil or wax
  • Concrete and cement floors
  • Natural stone floors, such as marble and granite
  • Wooden, MDF or MDP furniture

Steam cleaning machine: where to buy and how much it costs

There are two main models of steam cleaners: portable and vertical and cold and hot steam.

It is clear that the prices of the cleaners will vary according to the model chosen. In general, portable and cold steam cleaners tend to be cheaper than vertical and hot steam cleaners.

There are other variables that affect the price, such as the capacity of the water tank, the electrical voltage and, above all, the brand of the device.

And here’s a tip: invest in a cost-effective model, even if it means paying a little more, after all, this is not a product that will be discarded in a short time, on the contrary, the idea is that you stay with you for years.

But, just to give you an idea, the price of a cleaning machine currently varies between R $ 170 to R $ 1900. Therefore, it is very worthwhile to do a good price research before making the purchase decision.

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