
See the Screen Cleaning Step by Step

Did you know that your cell phone, which, by the way, most likely should be there in your hand while reading this text, is dirtier than the toilet in your bathroom?

Disgusting isn’t it? But what to do then? Throw the phone away? Of course not! You must clean it up. But you have the right way to do that.

And in today’s post we will teach you how to clean your cell phone screen, the most delicate and sensitive part of your device. Come on?

Why it is important to clean your phone screen

Why it is important to clean your phone screen

Remember how we talked about how dirty your cell phone can be? We will remind you one more time then. According to a study by the University of Arizona, in the United States, the cell phone can have up to ten times more bacteria and microorganisms than a toilet bowl.

That’s because the cell phone is in direct contact with your hands, one of the parts of the body that most accumulates germs and bacteria. Furthermore, most likely your cell phone will end up in the hands of other people, which only serves to make it even more dirty.

As if that were not enough, the dirt that is in contact with your phone can still damage your device, especially the screen which is very sensitive. Small grains of sand and dust, for example, are able to scratch the screen and the accumulation of grease and other dirt ends up impairing the sensitivity of the device’s touch screen.

For these and other reasons the best thing is to keep the screen (and the whole device) always clean.

And how often should the cell phone be cleaned? The answer is: every day. That’s right! It is very important that you make a habit of cleaning the screen every single day. This is the only way to keep the device free from germs and bacteria, and to keep it working properly.

How to clean your phone screen: step by step

How to clean your phone screen: step by step

To start cleaning the cell phone screen you must first provide a microfiber cloth or a cotton pad or cloth.

Forget the idea of ​​using the end of the shirt, the dish towel or the paper towel. All of them can cause scratches on the phone screen.

The second step is to have a mixture of distilled water and isopropyl alcohol on hand.

But does it have to be distilled water? Yes.

And does it have to be isopropyl alcohol? Yes too.

That’s because cell phone screens are very sensitive to various chemical substances, that is, a wrong product that you use and was already your cell phone.

The screens are also electronically charged for the touch screen function and the use of certain substances ends up being harmful to this system.

In addition to a stained screen, the wrong product will still leave your device not working. Therefore, there is little care.

Distilled water is more suitable because it is free of minerals, pure in composition, while isopropyl alcohol, unlike ethyl alcohol, is free of water in its formula.

And don’t worry about finding it hard to find this type of alcohol to sell. Most electronics stores sell isopropyl alcohol, but there is still an option to buy online. A bottle with 110 ml costs between R $ 8 and R $ 10.

Distilled water, on the other hand, can be easily purchased at any pharmacy for a measly R $ 8, a liter. In short: with less than R $ 20 you make your own screen cleaner.

This mixture ensures the cleanliness and disinfection you need for the cell phone screen.

Step by step to clean the screen

Step by step to clean the screen

With the mixture ready, place it in a spray bottle and spray a few times on the cloth, but without getting too wet. The product should also not be applied directly to the screen, as the liquid can drain and damage the internal components of your device.

With the damp cloth, start cleaning using firm movements, but without exerting pressure to avoid damaging the screen’s pixels.

Always wipe the cloth from top to bottom. If you notice a stain that is more difficult to remove, go back to it and wipe the spot directly until the stain comes off.

Then, with the other part of the cloth that is dry, finish cleaning the screen. Enjoy and pass the cloth throughout the device to ensure complete cleaning, remembering to clean the camera lens as well.

What you shouldn’t do when cleaning your phone screen

  • Do not clean the phone when it is charging. Instead, remove it from the charger and switch off the device.
  • Do not use vinegar to clean the cell phone screen. The acid in the vinegar can cause stains on the screen and, if it leaks into the device, it can still damage the internal parts.
  • It is also not recommended to use detergents, bleach or disinfectant to clean the cell phone screen.
  • Do not use baby wipes or towels. Only microfiber cloth or, if you prefer, those cloths used to clean glasses.
  • Tap water contains chlorine, in addition to other substances that can be harmful to your cell phone. So don’t use it.
  • For nothing in this world, use sponges, loofahs or, even worse, steel wool to clean your cell phone screen. Any rough material can cause stains and scratches on the screen.
  • If you notice small grains of sand, dust or earth between the screen and the structure of your cell phone, use adhesive tape. These tapes “grab” the dirt without scratching or scratching the screen. To do this, simply place a piece of tape over the spot you want to clean and lightly compress. Then, pull the ribbon. You will notice that all the dirt has stuck to it.

Did you like the tips? Now just go there and take care of your friend’s cleaning every hour.

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