
8 Tips for Removing

Mold is a problem that appears whenever we leave something in a very humid environment.

In the case of clothes, it may be the result of a poorly ventilated wardrobe, the habit of storing clothes that are still wet or leaving them lying somewhere before taking them to the machine.

Caused by fungi, mold likes moist environments to proliferate and if the problem is not solved it is possible to even lose some clothes or furniture. Here's how to get mold off the wall.

To help you who are dealing with mold in your clothes, we bring you some tips on how you can remove the mold and thus leave the new pieces on sheet:

How to prevent mold from appearing on clothes

Washing clothes in the bucket

Mold-causing fungi love humid, dark environments. So if the idea is to prevent it from appearing on your clothes, you need to take some precautions, such as:

  • Leave the wardrobe in a place that is sunny;
  • Open the wardrobe doors at least once a day to keep it airy;
  • Do not touch furniture where you store your clothes directly on the wall, the ideal is to have a space of at least 2cm between the furniture and the wall;
  • Make a good storage in the wardrobe at least once a month;
  • Do not store wet or damp parts;
  • Got rain? Put the laundry in the machine and wash at most the next day!
  • Place the pieces from the previous season – and also those you don't use much – in vacuum bags;
  • Whenever you have time, put your clothes in the sun;

Tips on how to get mold out of clothes

Follow these basic tips to start removing mold and mildew from your clothes at home:

1. Bleach

Bleach packaging (candida)

The easiest and most practical way to remove mold stains from your clothes – and also to prevent the fungus from growing on the garment – is by using bleach.

The problem is that this product can only be applied to white pieces, since it also serves to remove the color.

The ideal is to put 1 cup of sugar in 1 liter of bleach and soak the moldy piece in the mixture for half an hour or 100ml of bleach to 5 liters of water, with the piece of sauce for up to 15 minutes.

Then just rinse and wash normally.

2. Vinegar


Vinegar can be useful in the case of dark pieces or that are at risk of fading if they are soaked with bleach.

To do this, just put a little vinegar on a cloth and rub the mold stain until it comes out.

If the fabric is very moldy, you can then soak the garment in a bucket of water and vinegar. Do not exceed 20 minutes, then rinse and wash your clothes as normal.

3. Boiled milk

Jug and glass with milk

Boiled milk can be a great alternative for more sensitive fabrics. Best of all, it is easy to make and apply this mold removal technique.

Just warm a little milk and then apply to the affected tissue. Wait for the garment to clear and then put the laundry in the washing machine.

If you are washing only colored and more sensitive pieces you can add a little vinegar to the washing water, to ensure not only that the stains are gone but also that you can get rid of the fungus.

4. Baking soda

Spoon with baking soda

Bicarbonate is indicated for the most difficult stains to remove, or those that have been in your clothes for a long time.

You can add a teaspoon of baking soda to each liter of hot water and soak the piece in the mixture.

If you prefer – and if mold-damaged clothing allows it – you can put a cup of baking soda directly into the washing machine, right after adding the soap and products you would normally use for washing.

5. Put your clothes in the sun

Clothes in the sun

The sun is a great ally to stop mold from clothes. That's because fungi like dark, humid environments.

Whenever you can, put your clothes in the sun, or if they cannot be exposed directly, let them take a wind in the shade.

This tip is interesting for small stains, which can be removed with the help of a clothes brush and soap. Wash the garment as normal and let it dry exposed to the sun – or wind.

6. Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Lemon juice can be used on any piece and acts as a natural bleach.

All you need to do is pour some lemon juice over the mold stain and then leave the piece exposed to the sun.

Then just wash to remove the juice.

7. Vodka


Vodka can also help remove the smell and stains caused by mold. Just put some of the product on top of the stain and wait for it to dry.

It is also an interesting technique for clothes that need to be dry-cleaned, since you can just spray the vodka on the fabric.

8. Bleach

Bleach packaging

Bleach is not a homemade trick, but it is useful when removing stubborn stains. To avoid damage to the fabric it is interesting to bet on those that do not have chlorine in their composition.

Apply a little bleach over the stain and soak the piece. Then wash normally. If it is a small or recent stain, you can add a little bleach to the washing machine itself.

Techniques to remove mold stains

1. Dry

Suitable for parts that cannot be taken to the machine. To do this, use a spray bottle with a mixture of water with baking soda, vinegar, water and even vodka.

Then just hang the laundry to dry in the sun.

2. On the machine

Clothes in the washing machine

If moldy clothing can be machine washed, try using hot water to do this. This makes it easier to remove the stain and also eliminate the fungi that cause the problem.

If the piece can be washed only in cold water, it may take more than one wash to remove the stain. Still, try using any of the tips above to enhance the stain strip effect.

What did you think of these tips to remove mold from clothes? After testing at your house, tell us the result!

References and further reading
  1. How to Remove Moldy Smells from Clothes – Wikihow;
  2. How to remove mold and mildew stains from clothes – Cleanipedia
  3. How to remove mold and mildew from anything and everything – Today
  4. How to remove mold from fabric – Persil

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