
Features, Curiosities and What it is for

As the song says, rosemary is born without being sown. The plant is very easy to grow and can grow unexpectedly anywhere with a good amount of direct sunlight.

The ancient peoples already knew how to grow rosemary, and we, here in this frantic modern life, are rediscovering it.

Want to be one more in this? So join us in this post. We have put together a comprehensive guide for you to learn how to grow rosemary, as well as, of course, figuring out what to do with it later.

Come on?

Features and curiosities about rosemary

How to grow rosemary

Scientific name Rosmarinus Officinalis or Sea Dew, rosemary is a shrub, woody plant with small, thin leaves.

Rosemary originates in the Mediterranean region and, therefore, adapts very well to dry and rocky soils and to the hot climate.

Extremely perfumed, rosemary has an unmistakable camphor aroma. It is no wonder that women who live in the Mediterranean dry their clothes on branches of rosemary that, in addition to perfuming the pieces, also help to scare the moths away.

It is believed that when planted at the entrance to the house, rosemary helps to ward off bad energy and people. It is also used to bring prosperity and harmony to the home.

A rosemary bath, according to religions of African origin, cleanses the body, soul and mind, in addition to providing protection.

In aromatherapy, rosemary is used to treat emotional states linked to depression, mental fatigue, apathy, memory problems and melancholy.

Rosemary also favors students and workers to fight against lack of concentration. Just drop a droplet of rosemary essential oil in your hands or rub some leaves of the plant between your fingers.

Because it is a plant that arouses mood, attention and raises energy, rosemary is not suitable for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

What is it for and how to use rosemary? Benefits and properties

Within alternative medicine, rosemary is seen as an excellent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal.

In the form of tea, rosemary promotes recovery and improves the symptoms of cold, flu, asthma and sinusitis.

Muscle pain and rheumatic pain can also be treated with rosemary from compresses and massages directly on the affected area.

Migraines and tension headaches are also benefited by rosemary tea.

Rosemary is also a great ally for the beauty and health of skin and hair. It can be used in the form of a mask and lotions to treat hair loss, oily and brittle hair.

On the skin, rosemary helps to combat premature aging, in addition to favoring the beauty of oily skin, treating open pore problems and acne.

And we couldn't stop talking about the culinary use of rosemary. The herb gives a special aroma and flavor in preparations based on pork, fish and poultry.

Even a simple baked potato gains new air with a few sprigs of rosemary, it is worth trying.

Rosemary can still smoke your daily rice and beans.

How to plant rosemary

Rosemary is a modest plant that does not require much at the time of planting. You should only be careful to choose a location that receives at least five hours of direct sunlight daily for the rosemary to grow in a healthy way.

The best way to plant rosemary is through seedlings, as the seeds take a long time to germinate.

To make rosemary seedlings, choose a healthy adult plant and remove a twig about 10 to 15 centimeters from it.

Then, you have two options: place the branch directly in the pot prepared with soil and substrate or wait for it to root first in a glass of water. Both ways guarantee the same result.

To plant the seedling, have a medium-sized pot in hand. Drain using charcoal or expanded clay. Place a piece of TNT or gardening blanket over the drain layer to ensure that the pot is not soaked.

Then, make a mixture of vegetable soil, substrate and coarse sand and fill the pot to just over half.

Plant the seedling and complete with the rest of the mixture.

Leave the pot with the rosemary freshly planted in a place protected from sunlight until the "final handle". Water daily.

After the rosemary is already "picked", make the transplant to a larger pot or to the bed.

Now if you prefer, you can skip this whole step by buying a rosemary already developed. Nowadays it is quite easy to find the plant in garden stores, home centers and even in supermarkets.

How to care for rosemary

Rosemary care is so simple that you will wonder why you haven't planted it before.

At first, keep in mind two basic tips for having a beautiful and healthy rosemary: sunlight and sandy soil.

But let's take a closer look at all this, follow below:

Ideal soil

The best soil for planting rosemary is the sandy one (for this add thick sand) and well drained.

Remember that rosemary comes from a naturally dry and arid region, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

To keep the plant happy and healthy, you can even offer a calcium supplement.

As? Making flour with eggshell. Just grind the shells in a blender and add about a spoon of coffee to a small pot.

Organic fertilizer is also welcome, but without excesses.

Light, temperature and ventilation

Sun and hot. That's what rosemary likes and needs to live. Therefore, place the pot or planter in a location that receives at least five hours of direct sunlight every day.

If you are going to plant in beds or garden, choose the location based on that characteristic of the plant.

Cold weather or rainy locations can be a problem for the plant, compromising growth and development.


Rosemary enjoys sandy, dry soils, remember that? So nothing to overdo the watering. If it gets too wet, the rosemary will complain and may even suffer from the rotting of the roots.

In very hot seasons, water two to three times a week. On cold days, once a week is enough.

When in doubt, do the finger test. Touch the soil of the pot and if you have a dirty finger, a sign that you don't need to water yet, but if you leave with a clean finger, you can give water to the plant that it needs.

How to harvest rosemary

The rosemary is ready to be harvested 90 days after planting the seedling. To harvest, always use pruning shears and prefer the lower branches of the plant, making the cut always close to the main stem.

Rosemary does not need maintenance pruning, unless you want to control the growth of the plant, as rosemary can grow too much and hinder the growth of other species.

Common issues

The main problems you may have with rosemary are related to excess water and lack of sunlight.

When rosemary is over-watered, the roots rot and the plant can inevitably die.

The lack of sunlight prevents the growth and development of rosemary, making it an easy target for pests and diseases, especially the whitefly and mites.

To solve this problem, place the vase in an airy place with plenty of light. If you notice the presence of pests, prepare a mixture of water and soap, in a ratio of three to one, respectively.

Enjoy and fertilize with organic matter and calcium. There is no pest that can resist a well-nourished plant.

Did you write down all the tips on how to grow rosemary? Now just go there and plant your seedling.

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