
How to Plant Succulents on Cork Stoppers: DIY

You may have seen several images of succulents on corks. These mini pots are very beautiful, and serve as a nice decoration for any environment.

Here on the blog we already talked about succulent jewelry, which are a very beautiful and interesting trend to use the plants.

See more: Succulent jewelry: the new fashion for fans of the cutest little plants in the world!

And now, another great idea to decorate any room: living room, kitchen, bathroom, office and even your studio. You can even plant succulents in cork stoppers at home, without much effort. See the full step by step here in the article!

Necessary materials

To plant the succulent on corks, you will need:

  • Succulent seedlings
  • Corks
  • Knife or screwdriver
  • A little bit of dirt.

If you want to turn them into magnets, you will also need hot glue and a piece of magnet to stick.

Footsteps: succulent in the cork stopper

The walkthrough is very simple. First, make a hole in the cork using your knife or screwdriver. It will look like this:

succulents on corks

Then add the soil to the hole and place the succulent seedling. You can use the screwdriver to help compact the earth, as this is a very delicate process:

diy succulent in wine cork

You can also drill the hole with a drill, to get the right size without making a mistake. See in the video below how it can be done:

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Now, just take care!

The ideal amount of water to irrigate is 1 to 2 drops every 3 days. You can leave the corkscrew in any environment, but succulents like lighter environments more.

If you want to transform the vase into a magnet, just paste the magnet with hot glue and you're done! Now you have a beautiful fridge magnet 🙂

juicy fridge magnet

fridge magnet with juicy diy

See below some inspirations of succulent pots made with cork stopper:

You can practically make a bouquet of mini succulents on the cork:

how to plant succulent in the cork stopper

And the pots can also be made with several types of succulents:

You can also decorate the cork and use it to hang in the decoration:

See how beautiful the succulents look like fridge magnets:

You can also abuse creativity and decorate corks or paint in different colors to add a special touch:

Finally, enjoy the corkscrew pots with succulents and make wedding favors, birthday, baby shower and parties in general, it looks very beautiful!

succulent souvenirs

So, did you like the ideas?

The succulent pots are very charming and can be used in any corner of the house to give a fun and sophisticated look. They are also very easy to care for.

If you want, you can also transplant the succulents into larger pots if they start to grow.

However, if kept always well maintained and with the right amount of water, they do not die. They will last a long time inside the corks!

I hope you enjoyed the content. Leave here in the comments what you thought of the idea and also where you could use these vases?

Hugs and until the next post!

juicy on cork stopper

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