
How to Remove Pen Stain: Check Step by Step

Blue pen (or whatever color it is) only serves to become a music theme or to write in the notebook. In clothes, on the wall or on the sofa, no way!

So, if you are suffering because you don't know how to remove a pen stain, don't despair, because yes, you can. And we bring you the best tips to help you on this mission.

Let's go?

Stain types and pen types

Before trying to remove the stain it is important to pay attention to two important details: the type of stain and what type of pen it was caused with. Yes, it makes a lot of difference in the stain removal process.

First, notice if the stain is fresh, that is, it has just been caused, or if it has been there for some time. The older the stain, the more difficult the removal process can become, since the ink ends up adhering more deeply to the fibers of the fabric.

Then find out what kind of pen the stain was caused by. There are basically two types of pens on the market, the most popular and used: ballpoint pens and hydrographic pens.

Ballpoint pens (remember BIC? This is the one we're talking about) is a type of water-based pen that is usually available in blue, black and red. The stains caused by this type of pen are, in most cases, easier to remove.

Hydrographic pens, on the other hand, have a felt tip that is moistened by ink every time it is pressed to write or draw.

Colored pens, highlighters, permanent pens and whiteboard markers are some of the most common types of felt pens to be found out there.

This type of pen has a greater ability to stick to surfaces and, therefore, ends up being more difficult to remove. That is, the sooner you clean the better.

Another thing you need to know is what type of surface the stain is on. Leather? Wall? Synthetic fabric? Natural fabric? For each material there is a different way to remove the pen stain. Notice that too.

Once you have cleared the history of your pen stain, you can now move on to the next step and finally remove the intruder from the place where it should never have appeared. Follow the next tips:

How to remove pen stain – homemade tips and step by step

Pen stain on clothes

Who has never put a pen in his shirt pocket or in his pants pocket and when he realized he had a beautiful spot in place? This is more common than you might think.

But the good side of this story is that it has a solution! The first tip here is to look at the type of fabric the stain is on. Is it jeans? Cotton? When in doubt, check the garment label for the fabric of the stained clothing.

For more delicate pieces, prefer the less abrasive method, ok? Check out some suggestions now:


Alcohol is one of the first solutions that comes to mind when it comes to removing pen stains from clothes. But here it is important to take care.

If the stain is fresh you will not need much effort. Just moisten the affected area with a little alcohol and rub gently with the help of a brush. But if the stain is already dry, the tip is to moisten the area with water and then apply the alcohol.

Also remember to protect the underside of the clothing with a towel or thick fabric, this way you prevent the stain from spreading to the other parts of the clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide bleach

Hydrogen peroxide is also a great ally against pen stains. First make sure that the fabric of your clothing can come in contact with this type of product (see the label).

Then apply the hydrogen peroxide directly on the stain and wait a few minutes. Gently rub the piece until the stain is completely removed.

Remembering that it is important to protect the other side of the clothes, so use a towel.

Neutral soap

Neutral soap or dishwashing detergent can also be used to remove pen stains. The process takes a little longer, but it is super suitable for delicate clothes that cannot come into contact with abrasive substances.

The recipe is simple: protect the inside of the piece with a towel and then moisten the stain area with water and apply a little soap or neutral detergent. Rub gently and let the product act for at least 1 hour. After that time, rub the piece a little more and, if all goes well, the pen stain will be gone.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another ingredient that can be tested to remove pen stains. To do this, soak the clothes in a bucket with a solution of water and lemon juice. Wait about 40 minutes and after that time, the stain will have been removed.

Nail polish remover

The nail polish remover works just as well to remove pen stains as alcohol. The procedure is the same: protect the inside of the clothing to prevent the ink from the pen staining the other side, moisten the area with water and, finally, apply the nail polish remover. The ink will magically come out.

The cool thing about this tip is that the nail polish remover is an easy product to be found in women's bags and, with that, you can remove the stain on the spot, regardless of where you are.

Hair spray

Believe it or not, the famous hairspray can also be used to remove pen stains. The step by step is very simple: just apply the product directly on the stain, but be careful not to overdo it. If you apply too much spray, the stain may get even bigger.


Vinegar could not be left out of home recipes to remove pen stain. Only here he does not come alone, but accompanied by another well-known and important ingredient: sodium bicarbonate.

Write down the recipe: moisten the stain area with vinegar and water. Then, make a paste of baking soda with water and pass over the stain. Leave the solution to act for 30 minutes, then just rinse and wash the piece as normal.

This is a great recipe for removing pen stains from jeans.

Pen stain on sofa and other upholstery

Another place that pen stains love is the sofa (and upholstery in general, like chairs, benches and armchairs). If one of them decided to be present at your home, keep calm and follow the tips below:


In addition to clothing stains, alcohol can also be used to remove pen stains from the sofa, especially leather ones. For fabric sofas, use alcohol only when the stain is fresh.

To remove pen stain from the sofa using alcohol, just moisten the area with the product and rub gently. Then use a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.


Vinegar is also on that list. Here, the tip is to dip a sponge in a mixture of water with vinegar and pass on the sofa. Only that!

Neutral detergent

If the stain is resistant to previous products, you can choose to complement the cleaning with neutral detergent. Just apply the product on the stain, wait for about 30 minutes and remove.

Pen stain on the wall

One thing is a fact: if you have a child at home, you will inevitably need to remove pen stains from the wall. And, in this case, the stains can be of the most varied shapes, colors and sizes. But despite the apparent destruction, your wall may return to brand new.

The neutral detergent is the most practical and quick solution to remove pen stains from the wall. Just apply the product on a sponge and rub it on the wall. The paint will come out easily and without damaging the paint.

Pen stain on furniture or wooden parts

Scratched the office desk or some furniture in the house with a pen? So know that who can help you in the mission of removing the stain is baking soda.

To do this, make a paste using two parts of bicarbonate for one part of water. Mix well and apply over the stain. Leave the mixture to act for a few minutes and the stain will disappear completely.

Pen stain on doll

A doll with a streaked pen face is the most common thing to be found in homes with children. But with the tip below, your daughter's monster doll will go back to being the cuteness it was before, check it out:

Ointment to remove blackheads and pimples

Do you know those own ointments to remove blackheads and whiteheads? Well, for dolls they serve another purpose: to remove pen stains.

Believe it or not, but you will be amazed at the efficiency of the product for this mission.

To start cleaning the doll, have the anti-blackhead ointment on hand. The best known of them is Acnase, but it can be any other, the important thing is that the formula contains the substance Benzoyl Peroxide.

Then, remove enough from the tube to spread over the entire doll to cover all the stains.

That done, put the doll in the sun for at least three hours. This step is very important, so we recommend that you choose a sunny day to remove the stain.

After that time, take a damp cloth and remove the ointment. The doll will be clean (and ready for another one!).

Pen stain on purse

Removing pen stains on bags is the same as the tips above. You just need to know the material with which the bag was made and apply one of the methods already suggested. Alcohol, bicarbonate and vinegar are usually three ingredients that never disappoint.

Did you see how simple and easy it is to remove pen stains? Now just choose one of the tips suggested above and leave your parts clean and new.

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