
See Advantages and How to Use

The robot vacuum cleaner is a consumer dream for those who want to see the house clean without making any effort.

With futuristic design, this little robot stirs the imagination and piques the curiosity of those who see it in action.

But even with so much technology, the question remains: does the robot vacuum cleaner really work? Really clean? Are they all the same? Which to buy?

Wow, there are many doubts!

So, if you are interested in buying a robot vacuum cleaner, keep following this post, we will answer these and other questions.

How does the robot vacuum cleaner work?

The robot vacuum cleaner has sensors capable of detecting obstacles and getting out of them. That's why the little robot doesn't fall down stairs or hit furniture or walls.

For the cleaning process, the robot vacuum cleaner has bristles and brushes distributed throughout its base, vacuuming and pushing dirt into the reservoir.

And you may have noticed that the robot vacuum cleaner has no wires. That's because it works on the basis of a battery that, on average, has autonomy to work for about 120 minutes.

What are the advantages of the robot vacuum cleaner?

Freedom for you

Without a doubt, the main reason why someone wants a robot vacuum cleaner is the ease of cleaning.

In fact, you don't have to worry about anything. The robot does everything by itself.

And with that you have free time to dedicate yourself to other more interesting things.

Scheduled cleaning

Most models of robot vacuum cleaners have the function of programming the cleaning start time.

Just tell the robot when to start working and he'll start cleaning the floor for you.

And if you forget to do the programming, you can send a command via your mobile device, but this function is not available for all robot models.

The idea of ​​scheduled cleaning is very useful for those who spend a lot of time away from home or need the robot to work only at a specific time of the day.

Fits in any corner

The robot vacuum cleaner fits anywhere in the house. And we're not just talking about when to store it.

The robot vacuum is short, some models are only 3 centimeters high. This means that it is able to clean the spaces under the beds, sofas, refrigerator and cupboards very efficiently.

Some, more robust, can reach a height of 10 centimeters, which is also not bad.

This small stature ensures that your entire house is free of dust, without you having to drag furniture to clean it.


The robot vacuum cleaner only has the efficiency it has thanks to its sensors that allow it to be located in the environment.

These sensors also indicate to the robot the presence of obstacles, walls and open spaces, protecting the equipment from falling.

The sensors also reveal the places in the house with more dirt and that need more dedication.

The simplest robot vacuum cleaner models have only infrared and mechanical sensors capable of detecting obstacles at close range.

The most technological and advanced models have ultrasonic sensors that allow the robot to detect the most suitable cleaning route.

The most modern robot mapping technology on the market today is VSLAM (Vision Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, or Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping).

HEPA filter

The vacuum robots have a HEPA filter. This means that the device is capable of retaining up to 99% of the dust particles, eliminating even the mites.

This filter is highly recommended for those who have breathing problems, since the particles are practically all removed and, unlike ordinary vacuum cleaners, they do not release dust back into the air.


The robot vacuum cleaner has a working autonomy of up to two hours, depending on the model.

In other words, this little one can complete a complete cleaning with only one charge in houses up to 100 m².

But what if the battery runs out and he hasn't finished the job? You don't have to worry about that.

Most models identify when the battery is running out and send the robot back to the base to automatically recharge. When the robot completes the charge, it returns from where it left off.

Pretty smart, isn't it?

What are the disadvantages of the robot vacuum cleaner?

Storage capacity

As it is a small and short stature device, the robot vacuum cleaner has a small compartment to store dirt.

Thus, it is essential that with each cleaning you remove the filter and remove all dust.

If the compartment is full, the robot will not work and you still run the risk of spreading the dirt instead of sucking.

Another problem is that the accumulation of dust, hair and other particles can, with time, damage and compromise the correct functioning of the device.

Pets at home

If you have a cat or dog at home you will need to socialize the robot with the pussies first.

Animals may find the new resident's presence strange and attack it. In these cases, it is recommended to leave the robot running when you are at home to ensure that the pets are at a safe distance from the device, at least until they become familiar.

Another important detail: if your pet needs directly on the floor or on top of a sheet of newspaper, the robot vacuum cleaner will identify your dog's shark as dirt that needs to be cleaned.

And then you saw it, right? The snot is done!

Therefore, before putting the robot to work, remove the dirt from your pet.

Unevenness in the floor

The vacuum robot cannot overcome unevennesses with more than 30º of inclination.

This means that if the unevenness of your kitchen floor in relation to that of the living room is greater than this angle, the robot will probably not be able to get through.

Some models have wheel traction to help overcome these obstacles, but if there is a big difference he will not be able to get through anyway.

The same goes for carpets that may be out of place, for example.

Cleaning time

The vacuum cleaner robot can even perform the entire task on its own, only that it will do it in his time.

So be patient. Complete cleaning can take up to two hours. And if his house is large, he will still need to stop to recharge and then resume service.

Cleaning is not with him

The robot vacuum cleaner is great for cleaning maintenance, but don't rely on it for heavy duty. First because it takes time to complete the service, second because it does not have enough power to remove heavier dirt.

The robot vacuum cleaner works well to suck up particles of dust, hair, hair strands, food crumbs and a little bigger dirt, like a small clod of earth or a pebble.

The same gross work will continue with you.


Some robot vacuum cleaner models are quiet and emit little noise, but not all are so, especially the cheapest ones.

So if you are going to stay home while the robot works, you may be bothered by his noise.

No water

The vacuum cleaner robot cannot work in wet areas. Bathrooms, service area and outdoor area should be avoided.

If it comes in contact with the water it can suffer a breakdown or even a short circuit.

Technical assistance

Before purchasing your robot vacuum cleaner, make sure that the company has authorized technical assistance near you.

Some imported models simply do not have repair parts available in Brazil and you may still have difficulty finding specialized labor.


Also be careful with the wires. A tangle of wires behind the rack in the room, for example, can cause the robot to become trapped and unable to leave without your help.

How to choose the robot vacuum cleaner

The choice of the robot vacuum cleaner model must be made according to your needs.

There are different models for sale and the option for one or the other is exclusively yours.

The tip is to analyze the functions of each model and assess which ones are really important to you.

For example, if you have a small child at home or someone who needs to sleep during the day, silent models are the best option.

If you spend a lot of time away, it is interesting to look for a model with an advanced tracking and mapping system.

If your house is very large, prefer models with a longer battery life.

But if you really want a robot that perfectly aspirates rugs and carpets, choose a model with greater power and, consequently, greater suction power.

How much does a robot vacuum cleaner cost?

A quick search on the internet and you can already see the immense variety of models and prices of robot vacuum cleaner.

In general, the values ​​of a robot vacuum cleaner usually vary between R $ 400 to R $ 6000.

And the rule is the same: the more functions and added technology, the more expensive the product becomes.

It turns out that the ultra mega power model will not always be the best for you.

Analyze, according to the tip above, your needs before buying the robot vacuum cleaner.

Best robot vacuum cleaner models

One of the most popular models of robot vacuum is the Roomba 650. The manufacturer is iRobot, which is also responsible for introducing the world's first line of intelligent robots to the market.

The model has practically all the functions expected from a robot vacuum: it maps the whole house, has obstacle sensors, brush to access difficult corners and corners, goes to the base alone when the battery is low and can be accessed from remote mode by cell phone.

The problem is that the model is gringo and you may end up having difficulties in finding spare parts and technical assistance.

Another robot that has been successful is the Samsung POWERbot. It is very suitable for those who have animals at home, since it has a feature that prevents the filter from clogging when sucking hair.

But if you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner model with good cost benefit, the tip is to opt for the Fast Clean Bivolt, from Mondial.

It does not have advanced mapping sensors, but it efficiently performs its function of vacuuming and sweeping the house avoiding obstacles, in addition to having a range of two hours.

Only eight centimeters high, the robot vacuum cleaner from Mondial can also access difficult corners and spaces.

Now that you know all the advantages, disadvantages and some of the best options on the market, just decide (or not) to buy the robot vacuum cleaner.

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