
See The Practical Walkthrough

Did you know that the lack of cleaning on the notebook can cause serious problems of operation in the device and even cause health problems in those who use it?

Yeah! That is why it is so important to know how to clean your notebook properly.

In today's post you will learn the right way to clean and maintain your friend every hour. Come on?

Why clean notebook?

Before going to the notebook cleaning step by step, let's better understand the importance of keeping it clean and sanitized, so you have no excuse for not taking care of the device.

First of all, the notebook doesn't just get dirty on the outside. The inside of the device also accumulates dirt. Believe it or not, but the notebook can accumulate dust, food scraps, hair strands and even dead insects. And do you know what the big problem is (besides the filth)?

Dirt prevents the cooler (component responsible for cooling the notebook) from working properly, causing the device to overheat. And when that happens there is a great chance of even losing the device.

Another major problem of dirt on the notebook, especially in Covid-19 times, is the possibility of the device being contaminated with viruses, bacteria and fungi.

If that happens, your health and that of your entire family are at risk. Therefore, cleaning periodically is essential to ensure not only the removal of apparent dirt, but to maintain hygiene.

Dirt on the notebook screen can hinder reading and make it difficult to see.

Materials needed to clean notebook

Despite being a delicate cleaning, you don't need many things to clean your notebook properly.

In the rush of everyday life, a slightly damp cloth already does the job. For more thorough cleaning, the ideal is to have a cleaning spray and a microfiber cloth. It is also worth having a vacuum cleaner in hand, as well as cotton swabs and a fine bristle brush.

So, write down everything you will need to clean the notebook:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Cleaning spray
  • Swabs
  • Fine bristle brush
  • Vacuum Cleaner

As important as knowing what to use to clean your notebook, is knowing what not to use. Some products may simply irreversibly damage your device.

Do not use soap of any kind, alcohol, glass cleaner, multipurpose or bleach. All abrasive chemicals should be avoided.

These products have components that in addition to causing stains on the device, can also cause the drying of parts and components, leading to cracks and cracks.

The cleaning spray suggested here for cleaning your notebook can be found on the internet or at electronics stores. These sprays have an adequate formula to clean the device without damaging it.

But you can also make your own cleaning spray. For this, you will need only two ingredients: distilled water and white vinegar.

Distilled water is more suitable because it does not contain substances such as chlorine, for example. Mix two parts of distilled water to one part of vinegar and your spray is ready.

Another important detail: use only microfiber cloth to clean the notebook. This is because this type of cloth does not release hair or lint. It is soft and leaves no marks on the screen.

Cotton cloths, paper towels or toilet paper can scratch the screen.

How to clean your laptop keyboard

Start cleaning by turning the notebook off completely, including unplugging it.

Cleaning should start from the keyboard. The first step is to firmly hold the notebook upside down and shake the device gently so that excess dirt falls on the floor.

This step is especially suitable for those who have the (bad) habit of eating on top of the notebook.

After removing the “coarse” dirt, take a cotton swab and clean between the gaps on the keyboard. Attention: do not remove the keys from the notebook. They are very difficult to replace.

Then, with the help of the vacuum cleaner, remove the dust and the finer dirt that, perhaps, has still been stuck to the keyboard.

Finally, take the cloth and spray some of the cleaning liquid and go over the entire keyboard, including the mouse area.

How to clean notebook screen

The notebook screen is one of the most delicate parts of cleaning. Start by removing excess dust with a dry microfiber cloth.

Then, spray the cleaning liquid onto the cloth and pass through the entire screen. Make smooth, pressure-free circular motions to avoid damaging the pixels. Support the screen with one hand.

Never spray the spray directly on the screen, okay?

Another important tip: do not moisten the cloth too much, the excess liquid can drain into the internal parts of the notebook and cause a short circuit.

After removing dirt and grease marks from the notebook screen, lower the lid and clean the outside of the notebook.

Spray a little more liquid on the cloth and clean the lid in a circular motion without applying pressure.

How to clean air outlet and notebook peripherals

Cleaning the air outlet and peripheral components is very important to keep the device working properly.

Dirt that accumulates in the air outlet prevents the notebook from cooling. So it is essential to clean it periodically.

The air outlet is usually located on the back of the device. Clean with a cotton swab or fine bristle brush. With patience, remove all accumulated dust.

Do the same with the notebook peripherals.

Do not disassemble or open the notebook if you are not aware of it. If you notice that the dirt is very impregnated or in excess, seek technical assistance to perform the total and complete cleaning of the appliance, both inside and outside.

Care when cleaning the notebook

Always start the cleaning process by turning the notebook off completely, including unplugging it.

Do not wet the cleaning cloth excessively. So you prevent the liquid from leaking into the internal parts of the notebook.

On a daily basis, if you need to clean the notebook screen quickly, use eyeglass cleaning spray. They also serve to clean notebook.

Do not use a common wet wipe for cleaning notebooks. They are not designed for this and can stain the device. Prefer wet wipes suitable for this type of cleaning. You can find it for sale over the internet.

Do not use cotton cloths, flannels, paper towels, or your shirt to clean the notebook screen. These fabrics have microfibers that can scratch the screen.

Do not overdo the cleaning. Both the excess and the lack of cleaning can end up damaging the notebook. Moderation!

Tips for keeping your notebook clean

After following all the tips above and leaving your notebook clean, you still need to know one more important thing: how to keep your notebook clean.

Write down the tips:

  • Avoid eating and drinking on top of the notebook. This avoids dirtying the keyboard and screen with crumbs and grease. And, always after eating and drinking, wash your hands before using the appliance again.
  • Also, do not smoke on the device. Cigarette ash and smoke can damage the structure of your notebook, in addition to making it smell bad.
  • When you are finished using the notebook, lower the lid and place the microfiber cloth between the keyboard and the screen. This simple daily attitude already helps to keep the dust away.
  • Wash or rub alcohol gel on your hands whenever you arrive from the street. This way you avoid contaminating the device with viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms.
  • If you walk around with your notebook on public transport or even in your car, it is very important to provide a special cover or bag just for it. In addition to keeping it safe, you also protect it from dirt.
  • The glass films used in cell phones and tablets can also be used for notebooks. They both protect the screen from dirt and scratches, as well as helping to break the reflection, giving your vision a break.

Now just put all these tips into practice. With all these precautions you keep your notebook always clean and sanitized, protecting your health and the integrity of the device.

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