
See Tips and Walkthroughs

Whether to study, work or wander aimlessly over the internet, the notebook is a companion for all hours. Light and easy to be transported, the equipment can still accompany you from all sides.

All this dedication and proof of friendship must be rewarded. This means that you need to keep your electronic friend always clean and well taken care of.

And to begin with, nothing better than knowing how to clean your notebook screen properly. Yes, improper cleaning can put your device at risk or, worse, irreversibly damage it.

So, without further ado, let's learn how to clean your notebook screen, follow:

Importance of cleaning the notebook screen

How to Clean Notebook Screen

Over time and frequency of use, it is natural that the notebook needs general cleaning, which includes not only the screen, but other components such as the keyboard, mouse, cable entries, among others.

All of this is essential to ensure the durability and smooth operation of your device.

In fact, did you know that the lack of cleaning can cause the notebook to overheat? Yeah! Without regular cleaning, the equipment tends to accumulate dust, grease, food scraps, hair strands and even dead insects.

All this dirt prevents the cooler (component that helps to cool and maintain the notebook's proper temperature) from working properly, causing the equipment to heat up in a harmful way.

The lack of cleaning can also cause irreversible damage to the internal components of the device, damaging the parts and preventing them from functioning properly.

In other words, there is little care when it comes to electronic devices.

But now you must be asking yourself: should I take the notebook for professional cleaning or can I perform this task myself?

The recommendation is that regular cleaning is done at home, by yourself. And periodically, every year, for example, you take the device for a more thorough cleaning performed by professionals.

How to clean the notebook screen: materials needed

The cleaning of the notebook screen is what generates more doubts and fears, especially for the types of materials that can and cannot be used on the screen.

The tip is always to opt for a dry microfiber cloth to perform surface cleaning, that is, just to remove dust.

When the screen is impregnated with fingerprints, grease and other types of dirt, it is recommended to use sprays prepared for cleaning the screen.

This type of spray can be found easily in stationery, office and electronics stores.

So you mean you can't use detergent, glass cleaner or multipurpose? No, you can't! These products are very abrasive for LED and LCD screens. Not even alcohol is advisable for cleaning. Just to give you an idea, the use of these products can cause permanent cracks and stains, since they dry out and damage the material of the canvas.

If you don't find this spray for sale or even want to do your homework, that's fine too, no problem. For this you will need distilled water and white vinegar. Only that!

Do not use tap water, as the chemical components of traditional water, such as chlorine, can damage the screen. Distilled water is very cheap and can be easily found in pharmacies.

In short, to clean your notebook screen, you will need only two items:

  • Spray with cleaning liquid (purchased ready-made or homemade)
  • Microfiber cloth

Step by step to clean the notebook screen

Follow below the detailed step by step to clean your notebook:

Step 1: Turn off the notebook completely, including removing it from the outlet. This is an important safety measure to avoid electrical shock. The disconnected equipment also allows better viewing of the spots on the screen, since there are no reflections to disturb.

Step 2: Spray a small amount of the cleaning spray onto the microfiber cloth. Attention here: do not spray the liquid directly on the screen, in addition to causing stains, the liquid can run down the screen and penetrate the internal parts of the device and then, have you seen it? The risk of burning any part is great.

Step 3: Also avoid wetting the cloth too much, for the same reason mentioned above: the liquid may drain. Always try to spray as you clean and realize the need. Another tip: wet only a part of the cloth, so you guarantee a piece of dry cloth to carry out the final finish.

Step 4: With the slightly damp cloth, start cleaning the notebook screen. Preferably make circular movements and never, under any circumstances, press too hard on the glass. Excessive force when cleaning can damage the screen and do you know what you get out of it? Dead pixels.

Step 5: After cleaning the entire screen, wipe the dry part of the cloth to make sure that no trace of stain or grease is left.

Step 6: Turn on the notebook and with the screen on give another check on cleaning. After that your notebook will be clean and you can choose to clean the other components like the keyboard, for example.

Care when cleaning the notebook screen

  • Forget that idea of ​​using an old cloth or shirt to clean your notebook screen. These fabrics tend to shed a lot of hair and the most you will get is folded work.
  • Also run away from paper towels. This type of paper is made with wood fibers that can scratch your beautiful equipment.
  • Another bad idea is to want to clean the notebook screen using wet wipes. The liquid contained in these wipes are not suitable for cleaning of this type and can also cause damage to your computer. If you want the practicality of wet wipes then opt for wipes manufactured specifically for that purpose (yes, they exist).
  • Resist the temptation to use glass cleaner on your notebook screen. These products contain ammonia and alcohol in the formula, a true poison for your device.
  • Do you know those eyeglass cleaners? Then, they can also be used to clean screens such as the notebook. But first, read the formula. If you notice the presence of a substance called isopropanol, do not use it.
  • When cleaning the screen, have a brush, a cotton swab or a toothbrush in hand to remove those dirt that are impregnated in the corner and are difficult to remove with the cloth.

Tips to keep your screen clean for longer

After everything is clean and cute, you will definitely want that appearance of your notebook to be kept for a long, long time. So, check out the following tips to keep clean and make it more efficient the next time:

  • Always after using the notebook, lower the screen. This simple gesture is already a big step towards keeping your device dust-free for longer.
  • When closing the notebook remember to place the microfiber cloth between the keyboard and the screen. So the powder also stays away and you keep the cloth always in hand when you need it.
  • Avoid eating or drinking while using the notebook. This may seem difficult to many people, but if you can, resist. Your device's screen will be safe from those horrendous fat marks, not to mention the keyboard, which will also be cleaner.
  • Do you know those common glass films used in cell phones? Then, they can be placed on notebook screens as well. And here, you have two advantages: it protects the screen from dirt and also breaks the reflection of the light that comes out of the screen, favoring your eyes from excess light.
  • If you are the type to carry your notebook everywhere, provide a special case or backpack just for it. In addition to protecting the equipment, you also guarantee lasting cleaning.

Did you write down all the tips? So now just provide the cloth and the sprinkler and give that treat to your friend, after all he deserves it.

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