
18 Suggested Activities To Do

COVID-19, popularly known as Coronavirus, quarantined everyone. As recommended by health agencies, the entire population must remain isolated to avoid contamination and the proliferation of the disease.

But then, in the face of this forced and inevitable seclusion, everyone wants to know: “what to do in the quarantine?”.

Staying at home for a lot of people is something new. The vast majority are used to spending long hours away from home and this reconnection with the home itself can and should be seen as something positive and enriching.

Quarantine, after all, can be that opportunity that you lacked to face certain situations head-on, or to do things you never even imagined.

Want some examples? Then come follow this post with us. We brought 18 tips for you to discover what to do in the quarantine and go through it with more tranquility. Come on?

18 activity suggestions to do in quarantine

1. Catch up on reading

If you were always complaining that you didn't have time to read, quarantine ended your problems. This is a great opportunity to catch up on reading. So go to your stack of books, choose one and start reading.

Another possibility is to download books on your tablet and read online. The Kindle, for example, is a great device for reading books online.

2. Reset the list of films and series

The second tip on what to do in the quarantine has to do with sofa and popcorn. That's right! How about resetting that list of movies you have there on Netflix, GloboPlay or Amazon Prime? It is also worth mentioning that these platforms are providing free content for this quarantine period. Therefore, it is worth accessing and checking what is there.

3. Study

It is never too late to learn something new. And in quarantine times the options for online courses are obvious. Several institutions have their doors open for those who want to take advantage of the quarantine to specialize in any subject. And the best: free!

Udemy, for example, online education platform, is offering several free courses in this period of seclusion, especially in the areas of communication, marketing, sales and programming.

Fundação Bradesco's website is also offering free online courses. There are 80 options in the areas of administration, education and pedagogy, personal development, languages, among others.

Fundação Getúlio Vargas is another large institution that joined the idea of ​​offering free courses during quarantine. You can choose between finance, management and projects.

SENAI is also offering free online courses in this quarantine period. The courses available are in the areas of communication, entrepreneurship, finance, architectural design, metrology and information technology, for example.

And who knew, but in this quarantine you can also study at Harvard! Not fancy? The university, considered one of the best in the world, has released more than 100 courses for free on its online platform. Among the options are business and management, computer science, data science, laws and politics, history, religion and spirituality, humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, environmental science, among others. To register, simply access the institution's website and register.

4. Learn a language

What if you include learning a language in your study list? English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, whatever! There are tens of hundreds of video lessons on Youtube, as well as paid and free websites and apps that teach the language you want to learn.

5. Learn to play the instrument

Now if you've always dreamed of learning to play an instrument, the time has come. Use the quarantine to dust the guitar (or other instrument) and send the first notes. Once again, Youtube can be a great ally for the development of your instrumental skills.

In addition to it, other options are the Cifra Club website (which includes tutorials, techniques and tips) and apps that teach you everything you need to know.

6. Develop a hobby

Another good activity tip for quarantining and developing a hobby. Perhaps you love painting or love to sing. You may also love to write or have super crafts skills. What do you think of dedicating yourself to learning more about your heart's hobby and practicing it more?

7. Play with children

Who has children at home can take advantage of the quarantine to dedicate good times with them. This includes games and educational activities.

Call the kids and tell stories, encourage reading, reinforce Portuguese and math tasks, but also make time to play. Skipping rope, playing board games, hopscotch, hide and seek, cabin and a number of other super fun things. Invite your inner child to participate too!

8. Develop projects

Quarantine can also be the perfect time to get that entrepreneurial project out of the drawer. Take advantage of this free and idle time to do the necessary research and develop the project you've always dreamed of. Who knows, at the end of the quarantine a new business will be born?

9. Taking care of the house

This time at home is also a great opportunity to look at your home with care and love. See what your home is asking for and make repairs, concerts and necessary cleaning. Enjoy and clean your clothes, kitchen and laundry cabinets. Separate what needs to be tidied up, donate what you no longer use and let go of everything that no longer makes sense to you.

10. Dive into DIYs

If you love an authorial project, of the "do it yourself" type, then this quarantine moment is your face. Take advantage of the numerous tutorials available on the internet and make that pallet piece of furniture you always wanted or that beautiful crochet quilt.

11. Take care of you

Personal quarantine care does not only involve washing your hands and rubbing alcohol. You can take advantage of this moment to have differentiated care for your body, mind and spirit. Make face masks, moisturize your hair, do a meditation, silence your mind and turn off the television. Excessive news can directly affect your emotional state and reflect on your well-being.

12. Go to the kitchen

Is there a master chef there? How about taking advantage of the quarantine to discover this? Select tasty recipes and make your mouth water and prepare for you and your family. Don't forget to set the table up and make it look beautiful to receive the dishes.

13. Caring for plants

Do you have plants at home? So take that moment to give them special attention. Fertilize, you can, soften the soil, check for pests, move them if you think it is necessary. Also enjoy and make seedlings to multiply greenbacks indoors.

14. Practice exercises

It is not because you are quarantined at home that you will not be able to exercise. You can do stretches, gymnastics, yoga and even pilates. Youtube, once again, is a great ally for training at home.

15. Talk to family and friends

You know that aunt you haven't talked to in a long time or that friend who moved and you lost contact? Quarantine is the opportunity to resume these relationships. Imagine how much cool stuff can come out of there?

16. Learn about economics and household budget

Many people were taken by surprise with this history of quarantine, especially those who are self-employed, after all money is short and without proper planning even basic needs can be affected. For this reason, nothing better than learning how to manage and administer the household budget to prevent losses. On Youtube (again!) There are a lot of good people teaching these things.

17. Scouring photos and killing everyone

How about now opening the photo box to kill the longing for the family and remember good times? Prepare the tissue because tears will flow!

18. Make a list of what to do when the quarantine is over

This last tip of what to do in the quarantine is not just an activity to pass the time, but a good moment of reflection on what really matters.

Take a pen and paper and make a list of everything you want to do when the quarantine is over. It is worth including visiting family and friends, going to the park, having dinner with the husband in that nice restaurant, taking the children to the cinema, walking the street with the dog, among other things that on a daily basis seem so commonplace, but that in these days of isolation end up proving so important and fundamental. And as the saying goes, only when it is necessary for people to realize the importance it has.

So, be aware that the quarantine is going to end, but while all this is not over, take the opportunity to become a better person for yourself and for the planet.

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