
8 Easy Tutorials with Step by Step Follow

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Nowadays, with the rush of daily life, it is difficult to pay attention to household tasks, such as cleaning the house, carrying out maintenance and even simple things like unclogging the drain. Many people do not know how a blockage can occur, how to notice that something is not normal and, especially, how to avoid this type of damage.

To help you in this task, we created this article with several practical and easy tips to help you unclog a drain. However, first of all, you need to understand what a clogging is, its main causes and how to proceed without needing the help of a professional. Come on?

What is a clogging?

The clogging of a drain is a relatively simple problem: it is nothing more than an object that got stuck in the pipe, preventing the natural passage of water. Generally, the reasons for a clogging can be numerous:

  • Lots of hair falling into the sink;
  • pet hair;
  • Soap remains that accumulate;
  • Food scraps thrown down the kitchen drain;
  • Dust or dirt accumulated for a large amount of time;
  • Excess fat in the plumbing.

Unfortunately, solving this inconvenience is not always so affordable. For not knowing how to act in this task, the search for qualified professionals can generate a big headache, even more than other additional problems can arise with the clogged drain: bad odor, disabling the sink and leaks in the pipes, causing leakage.

Clogged drain. And now?

Even with all the care and even with prior hydraulic knowledge, an eventual clogging can occur. In fact, this is one of the most common residential problems. Calling in an expert to do the task is an excellent option, but waiting for a suitable professional or having that extra cost in your budget may not be an option.

So that you can get your hands dirty without fear, we made a list of homemade ways to unclog drains in a simple way and using everyday ingredients.

How to unclog drain with hair

One of the most common causes for clogging drains, removing hair from the drain is usually not a very pleasant activity, but it is necessary to solve a clog:

  1. First of all, remove the drain cover;
  2. Using a piece of wire or a hook, remove the hairs inside the drain;
  3. Finally, use liquid detergent and an old toothbrush to clean.

To make this procedure easier, see this tutorial taken from youtube:

How to unclog a sink drain with a pet bottle

How to unclog a sink drain with a pet bottle

In case you don’t have a plunger or any other own tool available, this tip is a great option. The pet bottle will help apply pressure with the water to unclog the plumbing:

  1. Take the pet bottle and fill it with water;
  2. Fit the bottle upside down, with its spout into the sink;
  3. Squeeze the bottle to push all your water down the drain;
  4. Repeat this procedure until unclogging is successful.

To help you resolve any doubts on how to unclog the drain with the pet bottle, watch this video from youtube:

How to unclog service area drain

How to unclog service area drain

You can use this tip on any type of clogged drain. From the drain in the service area, through the bathroom to the kitchen. Separate the following ingredients:

  • Salt;
  • Vinegar;
  • Boil a liter of water;
  • A damp cloth.

Let’s go step by step?

  1. Put three tablespoons of salt directly into the drain;
  2. Add three more tablespoons of vinegar;
  3. Pour a liter of boiling water;
  4. Take the damp cloth to cover the drain with it;
  5. Wait five minutes and you’re done!

Still have doubts? See this tutorial taken from youtube to help you once and for all how to unclog the drain in the service area:

How to unclog drains with washing powder

How to unclog drains with washing powder

This trick, in addition to helping unclog the drain, is a great homemade option that helps remove unpleasant odors from the siphon. Therefore, please have at hand:

  • Soap powder of your choice;
  • white vinegar;
  • One liter of boiled water;
  • Approximately one more liter of water at room temperature.

To unclog the drain with washing powder, you must:

  1. Select half a cup of washing powder and pour directly into the drain;
  2. Soon after, add a liter of boiling water;
  3. Add a cup of white vinegar to the drain;
  4. Finally, add another liter of water.

How about seeing a step-by-step tutorial to help you in this task? Just access the link:

How to unclog a sink drain with vinegar and baking soda

How to unclog a sink drain with vinegar and baking soda

One of the most efficient pairs of homemade cleaning is the combination of vinegar and baking soda. If you are the type who prefers to use these more natural ingredients, you have the right recipe for how to unclog your sink!

  1. Pour directly into the drain, the measure of an American cup of baking soda;
  2. Meanwhile, boil a liter of water;
  3. Afterwards, add half a cup of vinegar to the drain;
  4. Take boiled water and pour it down the drain.

Still have questions about how to unclog your drain with these products? Check out more of this action at:

How to unclog drain of kitchen with caustic soda

Also used to clean grease traps, caustic soda is an excellent choice for unclogging the sink, as long as you take care when handling it. To do this procedure, wear gloves and some face shield, such as a mask and glasses:

  1. Place a tablespoon of lye under the drain;
  2. Soon after, pour half a liter of warm water.
  3. Wait a few minutes and you’re done!

Because caustic soda is a chemical, we suggest watching this tutorial from youtube, which can also be used to clean the grease box:

How to unclog the bathroom drain with salt

How to unclog the bathroom drain with salt

There is no more homemade recipe than using your own table salt to unclog the sink! This trick is very simple and can be used on the drain in any other part of the house. You will need:

  • A tablespoon of salt;
  • One third of an American cup of white vinegar;
  • Half a liter of boiling water;
  • A damp cloth.

The step by step is very simple. Anyone can do it!

  1. Pour the tablespoon of salt down the bathroom drain;
  2. Add a third of white vinegar to the spot;
  3. Soon after, pour the boiling water down the drain;
  4. Place the damp cloth over the drain;
  5. Wait around 15 minutes and it will be unclogged!

And to make your work easier, watch this well explained video on link Next:

How to unclog a bathroom drain using coke

Many people believe that using soda to unclog drains is a legend of Internet. But know that coca cola is an excellent option for this type of procedure, which by the way is very easy to perform:

  1. Pour two liters of carbonated coke down the drain;
  2. Cover it immediately. The gas present in the refrigerant will help push the reason behind the clogging;
  3. Finish the process by pouring hot water to remove what is left in the plumbing;
  4. Ready: unclogged drain!

Want to know more? See this tutorial to help you unclog the drain with coke:

Not to forget!

All the tips on how to unclog the drain are easy to do, but to avoid these processes from recurring, the best way is to prevent and keep cleaning up to date. Try to set a routine, such as always cleaning the rooms in the house correctly and don’t forget to pour hot water into the pipes whenever possible.

And you, do you have any other homemade tips on how to unclog the drain? Leave in the comments below to learn more!

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