
Advantages, Benefits and Cleaning Tips

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The clay filter is ours! Super traditional in Brazilian homes, the clay filter could well become Brazil’s cultural heritage.

It filters and leaves the water always fresh, at the ideal temperature and free of impurities. But to enjoy all the benefits of this indispensable item you must first know how to clean the clay filter properly.

Want to learn? Then come and see the tips we selected.

Why you should have a clay filter: advantages and benefits

Who needs a gallon of water when you have a beautiful and wonderful clay filter in the kitchen? Nobody, right ?!

But if you are still not quite convinced of this idea, just take a look at the (good) reasons that we have brought below:

1. Fresh water

The clay filter, as its name suggests, is made with clay or clay, if you prefer.

The main characteristic of this material is the temperature change with the external environment. This makes the water at least five degrees colder than the room temperature. Which, let’s face it, in a hot climate country like Brazil is perfect.

2. Purity

Several studies have already proven the effectiveness of the clay filter in retaining microorganisms and water impurities.

The combination of clay, a porous material capable of absorbing metals, such as fluorine, for example, with the ceramics used in the manufacture of the candle is perfect for purifying water.

Just to give you an idea, the clay filter can retain up to 99% of the microorganisms that cause digestive and intestinal problems.

The filter is also 95% effective at removing lead, aluminum, chlorine and pesticides in water.

And a curiosity: did you know that the speed of filtration is directly related to the quality of the water? The characteristic slowness of this type of filter is that it helps you to be just as efficient, unlike tap filters that work under pressure.

3. Economy

A simple clay filter (only one candle) and small (6 liters) costs around R $ 80. But it has an important detail: it will last, if well taken care of, a lifetime and can still be an inheritance for the next generation.

The only cost you will have with the filter is the replacement of the spark plug that must be carried out every 6 months. A filter candle costs about R $ 8 to R $ 10.

You will spend a maximum of R $ 20 per year.

Now do the math of how much you would spend if you chose, for example, the gallon of water.

A 20 liter gallon costs approximately R $ 14. If you consider a house with three people, where each person consumes an average of 1.5 liters of water per day, then you will need a new gallon every four days, more or any less.

This means that in a month you will spend an average of R $ 112 per gallon of water alone. Need this?!.

In addition to the financial cost, the gallons are made of plastic. This means that even if they are BPA-free, they can still bring other chemical components harmful to health. Not to mention that numerous cases of water adulteration have been reported.

4. Decoration

The clay filter is still a great addition to your kitchen decor. It guarantees a touch of Brazilianness, rusticity and the charm of a grandmother’s house that everyone loves.

Cleaning the clay filter

Cleaning the clay filter is the simplest and easiest thing in the world. You will need only two things: water and a new, soft sponge.

No detergent, bleach, vinegar, lemon, sugar or any other product. First, because you don’t have to, as the filter can be easily cleaned with just water.

The second reason (and perhaps the main one) is that the clay filter is a porous material that absorbs all types of products and substances that come into contact. This means that the water can end up being contaminated with residues of chemicals used in cleaning.

So, without many inventions, just use water and sponge.

Now see the step by step to clean the clay filter:

How to clean the filter frame

Start cleaning the clay filter by the frame. First make sure your hands are clean.

Then carefully separate the two clay filter frames and place over the sink.

Tip: Do not throw away the water that may still be in the filter, use it to water the plants.

Clean with a soft, damp sponge inside the filter.

Repeat the procedure on the outside of the filter. Let it dry naturally while washing the candles.

How to clean clay filter candle

Cleaning the filter plug is also very simple and requires nothing but water.

You don’t need sugar, or lemon, or any other product. Since these substances can interfere with the taste of the water.

Start by removing the spark plug from the filter. Then position it in an upright position under the tap and make gentle circular movements with your hands until you remove all the dirt that is deposited around the candle.

After cleaning is complete, place it back on the filter. Assemble the parts and the filter is ready to be used again.

Need to clean new clay filter?

Yes. The new clay filter must be cleaned before first use. The procedure is the same as previously mentioned.

The difference here is that the new clay filter usually leaves an earthy taste in the water. This is natural and does not cause any harm to health.

But it is recommended to wait two to three complete filtrations so that the taste comes out completely.

The same can happen with the new filter plug. The taste of the water may change, in which case you should also wait for at least two complete filters.

Mold on the clay filter

You may have noticed something like mold and mildew on the outer surface of the clay filter.

But this is not exactly mold. These whitish or greenish spots are called efflorescence.

This efflorescence is the result of the accumulation on the surface of the clay of mineral salts present in the water, all thanks to the natural porosity of the clay and its ability to exchange heat with the surrounding environment.

To get rid of this annoyance and the unpleasant look of the efflorescence, you can simply wipe with a cloth moistened with water.

Do this weekly to avoid the appearance of stains.

Extra care with the clay filter

  • The candle should be changed periodically every 6 months or, when you notice yellow spots. Cleaning, however, should be done every two months, on average.
  • You can choose any type of candle for the clay filter, but the most recommended are those produced with activated card, since they have a greater capacity for cleaning and water purification.
  • Remember to also clean the filter tap. Use only the sponge with water.
  • Take care with filters decorated with paint or other props, as these substances can adhere and penetrate the porous surface of the clay, interfering with the taste and quality of the water.

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