
See Photos, Tips and How to Choose Yours

Do you need to relax and unwind? Run to your couch on the balcony! Oops, don't have one yet?

Then you need! The sofa on the balcony is the best place to enjoy lazy moments and literally stay with your legs in the air.

And, of course, that we will help you choose the best sofa in the world for your balcony.

Come and see:

How to choose sofa for balcony

Map the location

Let's start by mapping the space you have available on your balcony, the format it presents and one more important thing: whether it is fully open or has closed and covered areas.

If your balcony is open, it means that it is constantly exposed to the actions of the sun, rain, winds, cold and heat. And all these climatic variations directly impact the decision between one type or another of the sofa.

But if the balcony is closed or partially closed, it is possible to opt for sofas with structure and fabrics more similar to those used indoors.

The size and shape of the balcony are also indicative of the type of sofa you should choose. But that is a topic for the next topic.

Big or small, round or long?

Small balcony equals small sofa, large balcony equals large sofa. Basically, this is the rule.

Opting for a three-seater sofa in a small space can end up compromising circulation, functionality and the comfort of the environment.

And if you place a small sofa on a large balcony, it will surely be out of proportion to the space. Therefore, it is important to balance and dimension the sizes of the balcony furniture.

The shape of the sofa also impacts the functionality and comfort of the space. A round porch sofa, for example, is beautiful, but if the space is small it will end up causing more hassle than anything else.

A rectangular sofa can be easily leaned against the wall, freeing up a greater amount of free area.

From iron to wood

The material used in the manufacture of the sofa is also a very important issue that deserves your attention.

In addition to influencing the aesthetics of the environment, the material of manufacture will also guarantee the durability (or not) of the furniture.

See below some of the main materials currently used for balcony sofas and analyze which one most closely matches your needs:


Wood is undoubtedly one of the preferred materials for balcony sofas. This is because the material is naturally rustic, warm and welcoming, perfect for relaxing and relaxing environments.

It turns out that wood may not always be the best option, especially if your balcony is open and exposed to rain and sun. Wood over time tends to suffer from moisture and heat, as well as being a source for insects, such as termites.

If your intention is to use a wooden sofa for a balcony, know that you will need to carry out periodic maintenance on the furniture to keep it longer.

Natural fiber

Natural fiber sofas are those made with straw, wicker or rattan. They all have a very interesting rustic beauty and look great outdoors.

More resistant than wood, natural fiber sofas can be exposed to the weather, but they also require periodic maintenance.

Synthetic fiber

Synthetic fiber is a great option for those who want a sturdy, beautiful and durable balcony sofa.

Usually made with aluminum structure and plastic covering, this type of sofa mimics the appearance of natural fiber braiding.

In addition to being more resistant, they are also lighter, allowing you to switch places easily and whenever you need to.


Aluminum is another good option for those who need a sofa for an external balcony. This type of sofa is light, durable and resistant, and can be exposed to all types of weather, including the beach.

However, some people may have resistance to the use of the material, since the aesthetic options are more limited.


The iron balcony sofas are charming, romantic and have a very cool retro touch.

Tough, but not as durable, this type of sofa needs maintenance to stay beautiful for longer.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel, like aluminum, is durable and resistant, with the difference that it is a higher cost material.

Alternative materials

You can also think of alternative materials for the balcony sofa. But for that you will need to get your hands dirty and go to “do it yourself”.

A good example of alternative material is the pallet. It is possible to build beautiful, comfortable and super functional models of sofa for balcony from this material.

Another option is the tire. Yes, believe it or not, but you can make a sofa out of old tires.

Want another idea?

Use bamboo. Bamboo is an alternative material, super ecological and that yields good and beautiful furniture.

The great advantage of opting for the use of alternative materials is economy, but the ecological and sustainable aspect of these materials are also a good reason for you to adopt them.

No water

After defining the type of material that will be used in the structure of your sofa, you must also stop to think a little about the type of fabric that will be used.

For outdoor areas, the ideal is to opt for waterproof fabrics, so you don't have to worry about whether the sofa will get rain or not, or if someone will drop juice on it.

The best options are leather, corino and the waterproof fabric options that already exist in droves on the market.

Colorful and cheerful

The color of the balcony sofa is also an important detail. The tip here is to opt for medium tones, neither so light (they get dirty easily), nor so dark (which fade quickly).

Orange, red, salmon, green, blue, yellow, in short, there is a multitude of colors for the sofa, you just need to choose the one that best suits the environment and the decoration proposal.

Another tip is to opt for printed fabrics, so the outer arearna gains even more life and joy.

Check out now 50 images of sofa for balcony that will inspire your project:

Picture 1 – Aluminum sofa for the apartment balcony. Highlight for the contrast between wood and aluminum.

Aluminum sofa for the apartment balcony. Highlight for the contrast between wood and aluminum

Picture 2 – Wooden sofa planned for the balcony of small apartment. Tailored design for those who want to combine comfort with functionality.

Wooden sofa planned for the balcony of small apartment. Tailored design for those who want to combine comfort with functionality

Picture 3 – Sofa for balcony of large apartment. Note that the space allows the use of a sofa with more depth.

Picture 4 – Synthetic fiber sofa for balcony combining with the coffee table.

Synthetic fiber sofa for balcony matching with coffee table

Picture 5 – Round sofa for apartment balcony. The charm is due to the golden structure that surrounds the furniture.

Round sofa for apartment balcony. The charm is due to the golden structure that surrounds the furniture

Picture 6 – Corner sofa for balcony. A great way to make better use of the space.

Corner sofa for balcony. A great way to get more out of space

Picture 7 – Small wooden sofa for balcony. The cushions make the furniture more comfortable.

Small wooden sofa for balcony. The cushions make the furniture more comfortable

Picture 8 – The closed balcony of the apartment allows the use of a common sofa, like those used in the internal area of ​​the house.

The apartment's closed balcony allows the use of a common sofa, like those used inside the house

Image 9 – Here, the oval shape of the sofa brings modernity to the balcony.

Here, the oval shape of the sofa brings modernity to the balcony

Picture 10 – Small aluminum sofa for the multicolored balcony.

Small aluminum sofa for the multicolored balcony

Picture 11 – Pallet sofa for balcony: sustainability, comfort and design in the same project.

Balcony pallet sofa: sustainability, comfort and design in the same project

Image 12 – Sofa with bench face.

Sofa with bench face

Picture 13 – This large balcony brought a set of synthetic fiber sofa to compose the space.

This large balcony brought a set of synthetic fiber sofa to compose the space

Picture 14 – Clean and modern, this other sofa model for balcony bet on white to stand out.

Clean and modern, this other model of balcony sofa bet on white to stand out

Image 15 – Sofa for external balcony. The fully exposed furniture has waterproof fabric to withstand temperature variations.

Sofa for external balcony. The fully exposed furniture has waterproof fabric to withstand temperature variations

Picture 16 – Synthetic fiber sofa for small apartment balcony.

Synthetic fiber sofa for small apartment balcony

Image 17A – More than a balcony sofa, a piece of art and design.

More than a balcony sofa, a piece of art and design

Image 17B – Already in the other corner of the same balcony, a sofa bed for those who want to live maximum moments of relaxation.

Picture 18 – Already in the other corner of the same balcony, a sofa bed for those who want to live maximum moments of relaxation.

In the other corner of the same balcony, a sofa bed for those who want to live maximum moments of relaxation

Picture 19 – Sofa for modern wooden balcony surrounded by plants.

Modern wooden balcony sofa surrounded by plants

Picture 20 – This little bamboo sofa for the balcony is a treat.

This little bamboo sofa for the balcony is a treat

Picture 21 – Futton sofa: comfort and simplicity

Futton sofa: comfort and simplicity

Picture 22 – Set of sofa and armchair for the modern apartment balcony.

Sofa and armchair set for modern apartment balcony

Picture 23 – Sofa for balcony with mix of materials: steel and natural fiber.

Balcony sofa with mix of materials: steel and natural fiber

Image 24A – This rectangular sofa for the balcony was able to take advantage of the modern appearance of steel and the comfort of velvety upholstery.

This rectangular balcony sofa was able to take advantage of the modern appearance of steel and the comfort of velvety upholstery

Image 24B – Corner sofa for balcony: everyone fits!

Corner sofa for balcony: everyone fits!

Picture 25 – Here, the covered balcony can afford to have a blue velvet sofa.

Here, the covered porch can afford to have a blue velvet sofa

Picture 26 – Sofa in futton style for the young and modern balcony.

Futton style sofa for the young and modern balcony

Picture 27 – Round sofa for balcony: it is like receiving a hug.

Round balcony sofa: it's like receiving a hug

Image 28 – Sofa for two seater balcony and wooden base.

Two seater sofa with wooden base

Picture 29 – For those who want to have comfort, just the sofa is not enough! Need pillows.

For those who want comfort, just the sofa is not enough! Need pillows

Image 30 – Here, the vertical garden highlights the neutral tone sofa.

Here, the vertical garden highlights the neutral tone sofa

Picture 31 – Simple, but comfortable.

Simple but comfortable

Image 32 – And speaking of simplicity, just take a look at this other model here!

And speaking of simplicity, just take a look at this other model here!

Picture 33 – Gray sofa for balcony: the perfect color to not show stains and other dirt.

Gray balcony sofa: the perfect color for not showing stains and other dirt

Picture 34 – How about a yellow sofa for your balcony?

How about a yellow sofa for your balcony?

Image 35 – A sofa that is so comfortable can end up becoming a bed.

A sofa that is so comfortable can end up becoming a bed

Image 36 – Nothing like a beautiful design on the sofa to make the balcony even more beautiful.

Nothing like a beautiful design on the sofa to make the balcony even more beautiful

Image 37 – For the balcony integrated with the internal area of ​​the house, the tip is to bet on a sofa that converses with all the decor.

For the balcony integrated with the internal area of ​​the house, the tip is to bet on a sofa that converses with all the decor

Picture 38 – Pallet sofa for balcony: naturally rustic and cozy.

Pallet sofa for balcony: naturally rustic and cozy

Image 39 – Already here, the wooden sofa talks to the elements in natural fiber.

Here, the wooden sofa talks to the natural fiber elements

Picture 40 – Synthetic fiber sofa for balcony combining with the dining table chairs.

Synthetic fiber sofa for balcony matching dining table chairs

Picture 41 – A small sofa for a balcony, but it manages to be comfortable, functional and beautiful.

A small sofa for a balcony, but it can be comfortable, functional and beautiful

Image 42 – The lamp makes everything even more perfect!

The lamp makes everything even more perfect!

Image 43 – Who doesn't want one of these? Suspended sofa for balcony in swing style.

Who doesn't want one of these? Hanging sofa for swing style balcony

Picture 44 – Nothing more fair than a beautiful and comfortable sofa to enjoy the view of the sea.

Nothing more fair than a beautiful and comfortable sofa to enjoy the view of the sea

Image 45 – Here, the modern balcony bet on a set of sofa and armchairs of natural fiber.

Here, the modern balcony bet on a set of sofa and armchairs of natural fiber

Picture 46 – Sofa and sunbeds for balcony forming a perfect set!

Sofa and sun loungers for the balcony forming a perfect set!

Picture 47 – Small apartment balcony with custom made sofa.

Small apartment balcony with custom-made sofa

Picture 48 – Sofa for balcony in neutral tone to enhance the elegant style of decoration.

Balcony sofa in neutral tone to enhance the elegant style of decoration

Image 49 – White sofa for sunbathed balcony.

White sofa for sunbathed balcony

Image 50 – Here, the option was to use a light tone sofa to contrast with the black-walled balcony.

Here, the option was to use a light-colored sofa to contrast with the black-walled balcony

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