
33 Practical and Definitive Tips!

It is possible that the bedroom is one of the rooms where the mess is most likely to proliferate. This is because it is a room where there is not much movement of people, it is very rare that a visitor is invited to enter your room, so the tendency is to neglect a little of the tidiness.

In addition, our belongings, clothes, shoes, various items for personal use are concentrated in the room and keeping so many different things organized really takes some work. The good news is that you can get your room in order in just a few steps.

Check out the tips we brought in today's article to leave everything in its place without spending hours on that task.

How to organize the bedroom

Double bedroom

  1. The first step is to air the room, so open the windows to let in fresh air.
  2. Make the bed as soon as you wake up. Stretch the sheets, spread the duvet, fluff the pillows.
  3. Define the place of each thing and always try to keep the objects in the right places. Clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, everything must have its right place.
  4. Have enough hangers for shirts and items that hang. Avoid overlapping shirts and coats, as in addition to leaving the wardrobe disorganized, it can ruin the clothes.
  5. Organize items so that the one you don't use on a daily basis is at the bottom of the shelves and the most used items are within easy reach.
  6. Regularly remove items that you no longer use and send them for donation. When purchasing something new, look for something you can throw away or donate.
  7. Invest in multifunctional furniture that helps in organizing, for example, box bed with chest or beds with niches and drawers where you can store bedding and books.
  8. Avoid excessive furniture in the room to facilitate circulation and avoid the accumulation of objects. For those who have a TV in the bedroom, install it directly on the wall or on a panel.
  9. Change bedding regularly (every 15 days, for example) and spray scented fabric water to maintain the smell of freshly washed sheets.
  10. Have pillows on the bed only if you have somewhere to store them and don't have to throw everything on the floor at bedtime.

How to organize the children's room

Children's room

  1. Separate the room by “zones”: the study area, the sleeping area and the leisure area.
  2. Take everything that does not belong to the environment and return it to its proper place as glasses, plates, empty bottles, etc.
  3. Make the bed. Leave sheets stretched, pillows fluffy and covers folded.
  4. Separate the clothes and take everything to wash, store coats and shirts on the hangers, organize the other pieces in the drawers and shelves.
  5. Regularly remove broken toys and those that can be sent for donation.
  6. Set up the study table. Remove pencils, pens and other items that are broken or no longer work. Throw away unnecessary papers, organize notebooks and books.
  7. Leave the windows open for ventilation and apply a fabric scent to the sheets and pillows.
  8. Multifunctional furniture is even more important for children or teenagers. Consider investing in raised beds to take advantage of the space under the furniture.
  9. The space under the bed can be used to place organizing boxes and baskets that help keep toys and shoes tidy.
  10. Avoid accumulating stuffed animals. They are beautiful and cute, but they accumulate dust and mites and can be a poison for allergy sufferers. Cloth dolls should be washed regularly.

How to organize the guest room

Guest room

  1. Avoid turning the guest room into a “mess room” by putting everything you don't want inside.
  2. Place a basket or chest to store bedding. It is important to have a set of sheets, a bedspread, extra pillows and a warm blanket.
  3. Make some kits with items that your visitors may need such as personal hygiene items, slippers, towels, hair dryer, cell phone charger, plug adapters, headphones, etc.
  4. The rule of functional furniture also applies to the guest room, bed with drawers or box with chest helps to organize less used items or bedding.
  5. Before welcoming someone, ventilate the room, change the bedding, perfume the room.
  6. Provide places for guests to store, or at least organize, their belongings. Some hangers, a rack or a rack already help. This prevents the mess from setting up while the visit lasts.
  7. Create a space for a desk so that your guest can turn on the laptop and take the opportunity to leave the password of the wi-fi network available.
  8. Place organizing boxes or baskets for visitors to place their belongings such as wallet, sunglasses, jewelry, watch, etc.
  9. Consider installing a TV

Tidy bed, folded comfort

  1. There are people who do not need to make their bed in the morning, because at night it will be messed up again. We cannot say that this line of reasoning is totally wrong, but nothing makes a room more cozy than a tidy bed.
  2. Of course, we are not saying that you should make your bed like the ones we see in decor magazines with pillows and cushions of different sizes and layers. But it is great to get home after a tiring day and have a sheet stretched on whim and fluffy and fragrant pillows waiting for you.
  3. Get into the habit of making your bed daily, this attitude already greatly reduces the mess and gives an air of comfort to those who arrive.
  4. What did you think of today's tips on room organization? As you can see it is possible to keep the dorms organized by following simple rules on a daily basis. Just invest in small changes in habits and everything works out. How about experimenting? Tell us the results.

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